Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Social Media... Get on Board

Whether you check your Facebook page five times a day or have never heard of Twitter, there's no denying it: we now live in a digital age. Social media and technology define not only the way we communicate but the way we live. In matter of fact many of the Kids in our ministry use social media, whether its facebook, twitter, instagram, snap chat, or any other of the many forms of social media.  If we want to be more effective in ministry we can not ignore this trend of social media. Just think of how many of the parents that are on social media, whether you like social media or use it or don't we need to get on board and use this to our advantage. How often are we quick to pull out our phone and check our social media networks because we are board and well its there and easy. Here are a few ideas about how we can use social media to our advantage.

1. Create a page just for you ministry.
Create a facebook, twitter, and instagram just for your ministry. Create an account that is all about the Children's ministry in your church. Then you can have parents like and follow these pages and you can use it to your advantage to get the word out!

2. We can advertise like crazy!
    Do you have a big or small event coming up, well create an event of facebook and send it to all the parents and boom quick advertisement. Got a flyer made for the event, post it on instagram or twitter and encourage folks to retweet it.

3. Post scripture, a devotion, or even what is going on in Kids Church.
A great way to keep paretns informed of what their kids are learning about is to tweet it!!! Tweet our the verse for the week, or the bible lesson that is taught for the week, you can even tweet a link to a devotion or to your ministry webpage.

4. Pictures! Pictures! Pictures!....Instagram
Of course with parent permission, post pictures. Post pictures of events from VBS, to camp, to messy games, to even the kids worshiping. Parents love to see pictures of what their kids are doing.

Social media is not going to slow down anytime soon, so why not take advantage of it and use it to be more effective in ministry. 

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